Wednesday 1 April 2020


In this world we can take risk for true and false reason. The true reason to take risk always give you honorable rewards whereas false reason to take risk may make your life gambling. So, it is very necessary that we must take the risk which is genuine and may give good rewards. Let us takes the view of Holy Bible what God's says

A) Do your work you don't know the result. (Ecclesiastes 11:1-6) 
     Everybody have to take risk, you don't know the results. The farmers sow seeds, plow the land, and take care for good reap, but he don't know when the disasterous like unfavorable rain, storm, flood can destroy. Yet he takes risk for the livelihood and the city people.

B) Your thought will lead you to unprented destination Matthew 25:14-30

The Parables we see about three person, out 3 person, two has utilize the talent and got the reward from the master, but one person he got just punishment as he did not add a single penny instead keep those money under the ground to return to the master. What will be the attitude of the last one. His attitude shows he is Lazy, doubtful, negative mind, not to take risk, not to try even once, what profit he may get, not to use talent. 

Such people will regret only after all the doors are closed and time has lapse. Life will give everyone an opportunity to prove themselves while having talent and time.

Focus on your work, you will be rewarded.

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