Dear friends it is my joy to share a valuable things which we need to be very much aware that lead us to the down fall. As we discuss so far with the content of real joy of love. Remember one thing always if our heart is filled with pride in anything, we cannot share the love of God to the people, because God hates proud heart. No one can worship God with having proud in heart. The Holy Bible clearly warns several times against pride.
Proverbs 11
2 When pride comes, then comes dishonor, But with the humble is wisdom.
Proverbs 16
18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling.
Proverbs 29
23 A man's pride will bring him low, But a humble spirit will obtain honor.
1 John 2
16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.

Just wanna say that examine our heart, scan it with the anti-virus named The Holy Bible, to check whether we are free from all kinds of pride virus or not. When our computer or laptop filled with the virus its function gradually destroy the system data and corrupt the file. If it is not cured with the anti-virus then we need to format it totally, which may cost the lost of valuable data. Likewise same with us with our soul. Our soul is like software, and if it is attack with any kind of pride virus, immediately you need to clean it with the help of The Holy Bible verse and pray to God, that no such pride virus will destroy your life.
The Bible clearly says, pride goes before destruction, which clearly indicate whenever pride enter in our heart the next program will be always destruction. Do everything with humbleness which God used to lift up. Pride is very dangerous in our life, it will result with shame, dishonor, and destruction. The pride of once heart will cost their own life too. Its dangerous.
"We know the full story of Titanic tragic in North Atlantic ocean. But before the severe disaster, a
proud word came out from the mouth of the builder of Titanic ship. The reporter ended the brief conversation by asking if the Titanic was truly the "perfect" ship-incapable of sinking. When the builder was asked this question he looked up to heaven from the top deck of the Titanic, shook his fist and said, "God, not even you could sink this ship!" Well, we all know how the story ends. Several thousand people lost their life that dreadful evening and the "perfect" vessel was proven perishable when a piece of iceberg penetrated the hull of the massive ship."
Proud in the heart does not help Titanic to reach her first destination. The builder of the Titanic believed that his ship's maiden voyage would be the first of many trips across the ocean, the first of many pecuniary riches, but unfortunately, she never even completed her first journey. Friends always remember, whether we are hired by big company, having more riches, high profile, profitable business by this we may think we are in the largest ship in our life which nobody can sink? Yes the moment you started thinking that this will always keep you safe and honor, the great fall is surely awaiting for those who keeps pride in their worldly things.
Never keep pride in your heart and boasting in your mouth. Pride in heart will destroy us in such a way that you need to format everything you have work for. Pride is not from our God.
Lucifer fall because he generate pride against God. Adam and Eve fall was the sign of pride because they think by eating the fruit from tree of knowledge, they will become like God, but instead death takes place which is the greatest fall of human kind. Today many money making people are trusting in the money and boasting that money will take care of them always, but in fact they died with bankruptcy without money.
Never trust in human technology, richness, human creature, because human himself are perishable and their product always will be perishable only. Trust in the God with all of your heart because He is eternal and trusting Him in all the circumstances will lead you to everlasting life.
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