1. The Uniqueness of its Composition- The Bible is comprised of 66 books, and it was written over a period of at least 2,000 years by more than 40 authors and the most important is most of the author didn't know each other personally.
- The writers of the Bible came from different social and occupational backgrounds through out the Old testament and the New Testament (for example Moses – Political leader, educated in Pharaoh's palace; Joshua – General of Army; David - Shepherd and King, Solomon – the Richest king of the world whose record still now nobody has break; Amos – Shepherd; Nehemiah – Cup-bearer; Daniel – Politician and Leader; Peter – Fisherman; Luke – Physician; Matthew – Tax-collector, Apostle Paul - Counselor and Lawyer) etc.
- The authors of the Bible wrote in completely different geographic environments and under different circumstances (for example Moses – in the desert; Jeremiah – in a prison; David – in the mountains and in his palace; Paul – in prison; Luke – during his journeys; John – during his exile at Patmos) etc.

- They wrote in different states of mind. They wrote regarding sorrow, sin, joyfulness, prophecy etc, but all credit goes to one God.
- 66 books are found under canonical way, as different author is writing from different places, different period, different situation, different issues and not knowing who is writing what, still then they wrote about one God who is still do miracles.
- The Bible was composed on three different continents (Asia, Africa and Europe) and in three languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek). Today the Bible is translated in many languages whose record also no other books has break.
- Unity in its objective: Although the Bible was written by about 40 different authors during a period of at least 2,000 years and although these writers lived on three different continents (Asia, Africa and Europe) and belonged to various cultures, languages, region and custom, the Bible has a unifying objective. "The main theme is to give answers to these basic questions, Why you are in earth, who send you and where you will go after death. All the author's basic view about the God is the same. They wrote about Almighty God, whom man should praise and worship, because of His faithfulness to man even in the abnormal situation." "The Bible discuss about the begining of the world with everlasting life, who is first man and woman in the earth, why death exist, why there is sorrow, why there is disappointment, in last breath what is the basic meaning of life, and what will happen life after death." Is there a possibility for a relationship between God and man, and if so – how? How you can be saved to acquire eternal life.
The Bible wants to lead man to God (cf. John 20:31 and 2 Timothy 3:14-17).
Unity in its contents of Christ Centered : The Bible is all about one central figure – Jesus Christ (ईसा मसीह). Basically, the complete Old Testament points to this Person, be it through metaphors or be it through direct prophecies that Jesus Christ will come to save the world from the bondage of sins. The New Testament shows us the fulfillment of these prophecies through complete healing from any kind of deseases, evil spirit, and many miracles rising from death and the meaning and the consequences of the coming of Christ for the second time.
3. The Uniqueness of its Relevance
3. The Uniqueness of its Relevance
- Although the Bible is already many centuries old, it is still read regularly and with great interest by very many people, the Bible still works in great way in the life of human, it is so powerful that human can face any unnatural things which cannot be possible in the sight of man but can see the possiblity through the Bible.
- The Bible is a book that has been relevant in every epoch of world history – whether in times of war or peace, in the Dark Ages or in our modern technological age. Millions of people have found nourishment, help, and encouragement in this book. The Bible is the only book in the world that is read by people from all walks of life and from every age group.
- The Bible is the inventure of all mordern technologies, of all engineering which we see in the making of Noah's Ark. The Day of the Lord (Zephaniah 1:7-18; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11) 2 PETER 3:10 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." You may understand with the feature given in the above sentence what technology may it be.
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